
Introduction to CTF!

Hi all!

Our next workshop will be on Tuesday the 7/2!

It is going to be a introduction to how to play CTF, what resources exists out there and how to use them.

It will start with a short introduction about what is a CTF, what different forms are there and why do we play.

It will follow with a live demo how to get started with some of the beginner resources but also a intermediate resource for those that are ready to move along.

After the introduction and demo we will split into groups based on what you want to learn and your current skill to get started with some more hands on experience with the resources presented.

We will set up at 17:15 and prepare, so you are welcome by then already to ask questions or just hang out to talk.

We will get started at 17:30 for those that need some extra time to get here from their classes.


Date: 7/2
Time: 17:15 (Start at 17:30)
Where: EA (EDIT building)